Welcome to Flyingcolorz. We have best deals you can get!

Our Terms & Conditions For Orders

  1. You can place orders and make payments via PayU Money online gateway or Bank transfers
  2. If the booking is made via bank transfer, it is valid for 24 hours only. If the payment is not made within 24 hours the booking will be cancelled.
  3. All our orders are dispatched by Courier or India Post depending on the pin code service. If you don’t receive the order within 7 days from the date of dispatch, kindly let us know by sending an email to "fczind@gmail.com"
Online Payment
Pay through Payu money payment mode.
Bank Transfer
Transfer amount to our bank account after order.
Quick Support System
We support online 24/7 - 7795655665.
Secure Payment Way
All payment are Secured and trusted.